Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Some books that have caught my eye

If Jeff VanderMeer likes it then its probably worth checking out.
Omnivoracious: The Sad, Defiant Beauty of John Vaillant's The Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and Survival

A well-written book review in that it has strong opinions and backs it up.
Review | THE LAST PAGE by Anthony Huso | A Dribble of Ink
...that genuinely embrace the genre’s roots, but instead of imitating their influences, they set out to create something new, something fresh.
Debuts like this don’t come around often, and fans of weird, wonderful Fantasy should be clambering over each other to get their hands on The Last Page

I'm looking for another Urban Fantasy series and this my fit the bill:
Pat's Fantasy Hotlist: Game of Cages

To cross the line from genre fantasy to "real" literature is often a case of writing dense intricate plots with ambivalent characters. I'm interested to see if The Separation is an enjoyable read or a challenge.
The Wertzone: Christopher Priest completes new novel

Always on the lookout for a good trilogy:
Cover Art & Synopsis | A new cover for THE BOOK OF TRANSFORMATIONS by Mark Charan Newton | A Dribble of Ink:
"The novel itself sounds great. Nights of Villjamur (REVIEW) was a solid debut, but Newton showed great progress with City of Ruin (REVIEW); if The Book of Transformations continues that trend, we’re likely looking at one of the most unique and compelling series in recent years."

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