Monday, October 25, 2010

10 Reasons Kindle Will Fail & Our Misguided Predictions - eBookNewser

10 Reasons Kindle Will Fail & Our Misguided Predictions - eBookNewser
  1. It’s big and ugly – it’s no sleek iPhone

  1. I wasn’t invited to the launch press and blogger meeting nor is the CN feed included in the device day 1.
  2. $399 to have the privilege of then buying books to read on the device? Can I get a Fail Fail?
  3. Isn’t reading about the enjoyment of reading?
  4. So now I have to carry an iPod and a cell phone and a Kindle?
  5. Notice the large laptop bag in the demo video? That’s because this guy has to carry his laptop, his cell phone, his iPod and now his kindle.
  6. Be a big hit with the ladies when you whip out your Kindle. "Hey Baby, I read!"
  7. It’s the Homer Car - hat tip to Dan Lewis
  8. Can it do images or video? If not, how does it deal with books that have images or blogs that have videos? Is it Lynx all over again?
  9. Who wants to pay for the Scoble feed? Only if it comes with the whiteboard sessions!

A blast from the past.

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