Monday, November 1, 2010

LCD vs. e-ink: The eyestrain debate - do bifocals make a difference?

LCD vs. e-ink: The eyestrain debate | Fully Equipped - CNET Reviews
CNet: LCD vs. e-ink: The eyestrain debate. Thoughts on the NookColor. PCW Top 5 Tech | TeleRead: News and views on e-books, libraries, publishing and related topics
I still read on my old LCD eBookwise reader and I find that I can read it fine without any eyestrain as long as I'm not wearing my bifocals. When working on the computer and occasionally having to glance down to print material or my ebook I find that wearing my bifocals is essential.

I don't know why, but there it is.

In all cases I find I can go longer if I glance away from the screen every couple of minutes. Ultimately the type of device is less important then sensible use. A glass of water is good for you. A hundred glasses of water will kill you.

E-ink may be better on the eyes but you cannot read in dim lighting conditions. A reading lamp is necessary. I find it annoying to look for a suitably lit location to read since I've become so used to reading a device with it's own built in lighting. Those clip-ons for e-Ink devices look silly, too.

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