"came across an interesting story yesterday about the West Vancouver Memorial Library and how they now have 6 Kindles on hand that can be checked out to library patrons. I was sitting here and pondering the cost benefit analysis of a Kindle ebooks when I realized there was an opportunity here.There may be legal issues with lending out Kindles with DRM crippled e-books installed on them. While it is unlikely that Amazon would go out of its way to sue a library, the legal mumbo-jumbo attached to the book gives them the legal right. The DRM language prevents the transfer of ownership (even temporarily).
I wonder how long it will be before Amazon announce a new ability for the Kindle: support for Overdrive library system? It wouldn’t take all that much work to accomplish. The Kindle is already running a modified version of Mobipocket Reader, so the technical work would be doable."
LibraryLaw Blog: May a library lend e-book readers?
West Vancouver library puts Kindle e-book readers on shelves | Vancouver, Canada | Straight.com
West Vancouver Memorial Library to lend Kindles | TeleRead: Bring the E-Books Home
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