Tuesday, July 27, 2010

eReaders Aren't The Big Deal They're Cracked Up To Be because I can't crack its spine

eReaders Aren't The Big Deal They're Cracked Up To Be:

"I flick through the pages with my thumb. I can smell the paper. I turn to page one. I crack the spine.

Try doing that with an eReader!"

I can remember so many time that I've lost my place in a novel and had to "flick through pages" incessantly to finally get back to where I left off. It is an annoying waste of time.

I dislike the smell of paper. From the moldy-oldy I pick up from a second hand book store (its mold!) to the fresh ink of a new book or newspaper. The smell is often strong enough to give me a headache.

Cracking the spine? That is just book sadism.

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