"Terry commonly refers to the City Watch police force series as “the jewels in the Discworld Crown.” These richly developed and highly compelling characters will feature in a ‘crime of the week’ episodic storyline. As each weekly adventure unfolds, viewers will be taken on a ride through Pratchett’s genius imagination, with the author overseeing the creation of the series, where wild and exciting encounters with werewolves, dragons, dwarfs, trolls and golems and the classic heroes and villains, are an everyday occurrence…and where many of these characters even make outstanding crime fighters!"
a) I'm ambivalent about the "CSI: Discworld" title; though the press release does not actually specify the title of the new series. Of course the title should be "CSI: Ankh Morpork".
b) I'm also ambivalent about the series using all new stories and not adapting the classics Night Watch and Guards! Guards!. If Pratchett is actively involved in the "overseeing" then we may avoid a loose adaptation of Barney Miller with funny costumes.
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