Friday, July 23, 2010

The internet needs mor editors

Real Editors Ship (

Interesting blog post about how the internet needs more editors and why its unlikely we'll see more of them in the future.
First, editors and journalists are mostly luddites, as already noted, and they don't really hang out in places where you might think to hire them.
Second problem: most editors want to be editing for print or broadcast, not for the web,
Third problem: I've worked on various big content engagements, and I've talked to a number of people with more big-content experience than me. And people agree that big orgs, even if they now have content problems, won't hire editors, or enough editors, to manage their content.

See also:
What It's Really Like To Be A Copy Editor - The Awl
Why Editing Could Make a Comeback - Science and Tech - The Atlantic

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